Art Museum of Japanese Paper-cutting (Kirie) in Kawaba Village in Gunma Prefecture

by Shinichiro H.

(11 reviews)
Last updated : Jul 18, 20242 min read

Art Museum of Japanese Paper-cutting (Kirie) in Kawaba Village in Gunma Prefecture

(Art Museum of Japan Kirie Hyakkei in Kawaba Village in Gunma Prefecture)

If you plan to visit Gunma prefecture and are interested in Japanese art of paper-cutting, I'd like to introduce one good place for you.


The name of the museum is the art museum of Japan Kirie Hyakkei. Kirie means Japanese art of paper-cutting and Hyakkei means 100 landscapes. You can experience Japanese paper-cutting there for 10 - 20 minutes for free as well as enjoy the Japanese paper-cutting works.  The director of the museum is the president of Japan's Kirie Artists Association and a very kind gentleman.


Location:  1496, Yachi, Kawaba village, Gunma prefecture  (nearest JR stations is Numata in JR Jo-etsu line).

Phone: 0278-52-2022 (81-278-52-2022)

English Information of Kawaba Village: 


Japanese infomation: Nihon-kankou


Nearst JR station : Numata station in JR Joetsu Line (about 90 minutes from JR Ueno Station)  

Access:  by car: About 20 minutes from Numata IC(InterChange), You can use the parking of the museum near the museum. 


By bus:  Ride 'Circular route bus' of Kawaba village  (the public bus in a circular route) from JR Numata station for about 30 minues, get off the bus at the bus stop called 'Fujiyama', and goes up the slow slope about 6–8 minutes (You can see the museum from the bus station).


By train (and bus or taxi)  : Get off the JR train at the JR Numata station of JR Joetsu Line (about 90 minutes from JR Ueno Station) 


I (guide interpreter) myself visited there with 12 tourists from abroad and enjoyed it.


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